1.Select a script (font) if you want to compose a text. You will find all the options by pressing the white arrow in a red square. Then press SELECT at the end of the page.

2.You will find all the characters in the type case. Initials are placed in the upper left box. Capital letters are in the upper right box. All the other characters are in the lower box. Use the arrows to review decorative elements.

3.You can place a character into the forme by pressing it in the type case. In the forme you can see a mirror-image of your text.

4.You can delete a character from the forme by pressing it.

5.You can colour your decorative elements. Select the colour you like at the end of the page.

6.When you are done composing text press PRINT at the end of the page.

7.The printing press will start to work if you press the red arrows on it.

8.Press REVIEW at the end of the page and get the image of your text.

9.You can save it. Press DOWNLOAD PDF at the end of the page.